Healthcare Conferences UK in association with Christopher Fincken, Independent Member UK Caldicott Guardian Council, (Former Chairman) are pleased to announce this eighth annual Virtual Conference which will focus on Information Sharing and Caldicott Principles in End of Life care. Following the success of our previous Caldicott Guardian National Conferences, and feedback from our regular Caldicott Training Masterclasses, this conference will focus on developing your role in improving communication and information sharing and implementing the Caldicott Principles at the end of life. The conference will also update delegates on the PRSB Palliative and End of Life Care Information Standard.
This conference will enable you to:
- Reflect on the importance of information sharing at the end of life
- Network with fellow End of Life Care Professionals, Caldicott Guardians and IG Leads working to ensure adherence to Caldicott principles in end of life care services
- Understand and reflect on decision making around information sharing including the challenges
- Ensure effective adherence to the PRSB Palliative and End of Life Care Information Standard
- Update your knowledge on ethical decision making principles and frameworks and how you can implement these in decision making practice
- Understand when information can be shared with relatives, other professionals and services, and when it cannot
- Learn from established practice in the delivery of Caldicott Principles in End of Life care
- Understand the legal and ethical implications around information sharing and the Duty of Candour
- Explore how you can learn from deaths and share information with families, friends and staff to drive improvement
- Understand the new role of the Medical Examiner
- Ensure you understand the implications of information sharing after death including the complexities of the ethical as well as legal considerations in how we handle data relating to the deceased with relatives and bereavement services
- Hear from a Caldicott Guardian working in a hospice setting
- Learn from the Coroners perspective on information sharing and disclosure
- Understand the implications of GDPR to end of life care services, and how technology can improve information sharing
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes