The first Myeloma Academy Haematologists Roadshow of 2016 took place in Edinburgh on 25 May.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the lively debate and discussions, making the event such a great success.

“Thank you for a great and thought provoking meeting. I was grateful to attend and will be recommending it to others”. Edinburgh Attendee

Myeloma Academy Haematologists Roadshow

Programme playlist

Watch the exclusive video and presentation slides from the Edinburgh Haematologists Roadshow to learn more about these myeloma topics and get a taste of what occurs at our unique, educational events…

Keynote Lecture
The role and potential of immunotherapy in myeloma
Prof Michel Delforge

Allogenic transplantation offers the only potential cure for myeloma
Dr Jane Tighe and Dr Grant McQuaker

Round table discussion

  • Does early diagnosis make a big difference?
  • Is treating double refractory patients a good use of scarce healthcare resources?
  • Benefits of continuous versus intermittent treatment