The British Society for Haematology (BSH) and the UK Myeloma Society have published a comprehensive Good Practice Paper on the diagnosis and initial treatment of transplant-eligible high-risk myeloma patients. Authored by leading experts in the field, this paper provides crucial recommendations based on the latest genetic diagnostics and prospective clinical trial evidence for high-risk myeloma.

Contributors to this paper include:

  • Martin Kaiser (The Royal Marsden Hospital and The Institute of Cancer Research, London)
  • Guy Pratt (Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University of Birmingham)
  • Ceri Bygrave (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff), Kristian Bowles (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital)
  • Simon Stern (Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust), and Matthew Jenner (University Hospital Southampton)

The guidelines address the challenges of treating high-risk myeloma, a condition marked by early relapse and poor overall survival despite intensive treatment. By incorporating recent advancements in molecular risk markers and genetic profiling, the paper outlines a strategic approach to improve outcomes for patients with high-risk myeloma.

For detailed insights and specific recommendations, please refer to the full Good Practice Paper linked below.


Read the full BSH Good Practice Paper