The second Myeloma Academy Nurses Roadshow of 2016 took place in Birmingham on 15 September.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the lively debate and discussions, making the event such a great success.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the roadshow, I have gained a deeper insight into how to care for myeloma patients”. Birmingham Attendee

Myeloma Academy Nurse Roadshow

Programme playlist

Watch the exclusive video and presentation slides from the Birmingham Nurses Roadshow to learn more about these myeloma topics and get a taste of what occurs at our unique, educational events.

Keynote Lecture
Supportive and palliative care in myeloma – current approaches and future insights
Prof Sam Ahmedzai

Challenging myeloma cases
Interactive case studies on a range of challenging patient scenarios
Maggie Lai, Debbie Palmer and Sue Blair

Round table discussion

  • Timely referral to palliative care – what is the reality?
  • With new treatments for myeloma on the horizon, what are the challenges for nurses?
  • Opportunities and challenges of outreach chemotherapy in myeloma
  • The impact of nurse prescribing on myeloma patients and services