Reflecting the ever-evolving myeloma treatment landscape, there have been three recent guidelines publications by the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) and the British Society of Haematology (BSH).

Offering insights and recommendations for management, treatment and novel therapies in smouldering myeloma and myeloma, these papers support healthcare professionals to deliver the most current and effective patient care in the UK and help them to stay abreast of international guidance. Read on for a brief synopsis of these recent papers and check our Library to find more.

International Myeloma Working Group immunotherapy committee consensus guidelines and recommendations for optimal use of T-cell-engaging bispecific antibodies in multiple myeloma

Step into the forefront of myeloma treatment with this latest publication from the IMWG immunotherapy committee. Discover the groundbreaking world of immunotherapy, where innovations like bispecific antibodies are reshaping myeloma treatment. An expert panel provides exclusive insights and tailored recommendations, guiding the way to optimised patient care.

Access the full guidelines here >

Diagnosis and management of smouldering myeloma: A British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper

Explore the latest guidelines for Smouldering Myeloma care in the British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper. Discover evidence-based recommendations, including clear patient support, tailored vaccination strategies, and more.

Access the full paper here >

Consensus guidelines and recommendations for the management and response assessment of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in clinical practice for relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma: a report from the International Myeloma Working Group Immunotherapy Committee

Although CAR-T cell treatments are not currently approved in the UK for use in the NHS, you might be interested to keep up to date with the IMWG’s recommendations in clinical practice for relapsed and refractory myeloma patients.

The unique nature of CAR-T cell treatments compared to other existing and previous myeloma treatments necessitates new approaches to mitigating the distinct toxic effects of the highly effective therapy. Explore the IMWG’s consensus guidance on the clinical use of CAR-T cell treatments and safe and effective management of side effects.

You can find the full paper here >

Visit our Myeloma Academy Library

Take a look at our Guidelines Library to find earlier published guidelines including last year’s BSH Good Practice Paper on diagnosis, risk stratification and management of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).